Cooper L. Gibson Accompanied by Ryan McCoy, “Untitled”, Cinder blocks and amplified sound, 18 minutes, Portal, in The Only Way Thru is Through series, Lexington, KY, 2024 @notbritneyspearsofficial @r.e.mccoy on Instagram photo by Rae Goodwin
Portal is a performance art space in the basement and backyard of my home. Events occur regularly, by invitation only. Portals are entrances to spaces/places, organs/veins, realities of all kinds. The word itself connects body and architecture, entrances and experiences, realities of the visible and the metaphysical. The first series of performance events are titled “The Only Way Thru is Through”
Why i am doing this
I bought my home in 2020 and moved in the weekend before lockdown from COVID. I bought the house in part because it has this amazingly raw basement space and ampitheatre backyard. After four years of using these spaces (and others in the house) for performance for the camera, teaching and meeting, living and working it was time to begin curating and organizing.
Interested Artists
I have a guest room for artists from out of town who are interested in creating new performance art works. Those invited can stay for up to five days before performing and a day or two after.
Caution to those with allergies- My dog Bella is sweet, and her fur is everywhere in the home. My sincere apologies for those with physical disabilities, the basement is not accessible. There is a staircase for entry.
Let's make a plan.
Caution to those with allergies- My dog Bella is sweet, and her fur is everywhere in the home. My sincere apologies for those with physical disabilities, the basement is not accessible. There is a staircase for entry.
Let's make a plan.
Performances in portal
The first series of performance events are titled “The Only Way Thru is Through”.
January with works by Cooper Gibson, Matt Gibson, and Rae Goodwin
Cooper Gibson
Rae Goodwin
February with works by Hearty White and Rae Goodwin
March with works by Emily Bivens and Cooper Gibson
May with works by Cooper Gibson, and Rae Goodwin
June with works by Rebecca Dundon, Paul Rodgers, Cooper Gibson, and J.T. Dockery
The first series of performance events are titled “The Only Way Thru is Through”.
January with works by Cooper Gibson, Matt Gibson, and Rae Goodwin
Cooper Gibson
Rae Goodwin
February with works by Hearty White and Rae Goodwin
March with works by Emily Bivens and Cooper Gibson
May with works by Cooper Gibson, and Rae Goodwin
June with works by Rebecca Dundon, Paul Rodgers, Cooper Gibson, and J.T. Dockery